Biomedical and Life Sciences

Biomedical and Life Sciences

We are living longer and remaining healthier than ever before. UNSW scientists and engineers are at the forefront of health research in Australia, and have been involved in many developments that have had a global impact. From work in nanomedicine to targeted drug delivery, telecare and the first bionic eye, our research has the potential to impact on the lives of millions.

UNSW Biomedical Engineers work in the areas of implantable bionics, biomaterials, tissue engineering, and physiological modelling. In the School of Chemical Engineering, nanomedicine and drug delivery as well as hybrid polymer technology for medical implants are a major focus. Electrical Engineering researchers are developing micro-electronics for medical devices, while Computer Science and Engineering groups are studying medical imaging and image analysis, systems for better management of medical data and mapping of the genome and bioinformatics.

Please find the following list of research capability statements in this area:


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